We’re doing Summer Camp! If you’re still looking for something fun for your child to do this summer, please join us!
Building on the foundations of our popular Mindful Art & Yoga classes, this year, our camp will include adventures to local museums, cultural centers & parks. We’ll draw inspiration and insight from these excursions, incorporating them into our art of color, textures and form. We’re so happy to have art teacher, Julia joining us in camp this year as well!
Camp will be held on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9am to 3pm, possible extended days to 4pm, beginning July 5th and running to August 18th. Sign up for a single week or as many as weeks you want!
Ages: 5-9 years
We’ll be based in Brooklyn, using Cobble Hill as our pick up and drop off location.
All details and registration on our schedule, follow the link to our Camps/Events!
Please reach out with any questions and feel free to forward this to your friends!
PS- check out all the cool art students have made in class this past year!
#summer #summercamp #mindfulartcamp #yogaandart #kids #yoga #kidsdoyoga #yogakids #kidsyoga #art #kidsart #mindfulart #artfeedsthesoul #yogafeedsthebody #yogaismindfulnessinmotion #balancefromtheinsideout
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