Kids yoga in the parks conts & location change…


Snake wants me to tell you that you should join us for #yogainthepark this week. We’ll stay cool with easy poses, the sound bowl and a long savasana with our special, summer cooling spray. Bring water!

9:30am: M/T/W.

Monday: Prospect Park.

Tuesday: Ft Greene Park.

Wednesday: Cadman Plaza Park (location change! across from the diner).

Check schedule page for details

Join us for kids yoga this week!

Full week of classes coming up, will have to see if the weather holds out Tues & Wed;). Join us for one or all!!

Monday: Prospect Park- 9:30am, behind Vanderbilt playground

Tuesday: Ft. Greene Park- 9:30am, behind playground

Wednesday: Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 6- 9:30am, grassy area behind playground

Friday- 11:15am, Families First, Cobble Hill

Check back on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or the site for weather updates!!

All info in schedule…