Story yoga, Family yoga & more!

Monthly events!

Wise Heart Story yoga

next Wednesday, November 19th, at 10 am


163 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 ~ Map link


12 months to 4 years

Please RSVP at [email protected]



Little Feet Family yoga

 Kidville – Cobble Hill / Carroll Gardens

NO membership in Kidville required!

Crawling and Up!

Saturdays, 9:00 am– bright & early

380 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 ~ Map link

Dates: Nov 15/22, Dec 6/13/20 (8 weeks)

$20/per class, Full or partial series- Parent & child;

$25/ drop in, $5/ each add’l child

Email [email protected] to register

or Drop in this Saturday!


Stay tuned for info on our special

post Thanksgiving “Grand Family yoga” class for the whole family-

kids, parents, grandparents & more!

Saturday, November 29th at Kidville!

Little Feet Family yoga begins this Saturday, 10/25!

Thanks to all that joined us at BookCourt this morning,
stay tuned for the next date in November.


In the meantime, join us this Saturday, October 25th at 9am!!
at our new location for classes, Kidville- Carroll Gardens/ Cobble Hill!!

Little Feet Family yoga

 Kidville – Cobble Hill / Carroll Gardens 

Crawling and Up!

Begins this Saturday! 

Saturdays, 9:00 am

380 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 ~ Map link

Dates: Oct 25, Nov 1/8/15/22, Dec 6/13/20 (8 weeks)

$20/per class, Full or partial series– Parent & child;

$25/ drop in, $5/ each add’l child

NO membership in Kidville required!

Email [email protected] to register!


Little Feet yoga I

 Kidville – Cobble Hill / Carroll Gardens 

12 months to 4 years

New class!! 

 Tuesdays, 12:30 pm

380 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 ~ Map link

Dates: Oct 21/28, Nov 4/11/18/25, Dec 2/9 (8 weeks)

$20/per class, Full or partial series; $25/ drop in

NO membership in Kidville required!

Email [email protected] to register!


Wise Heart Story yoga

Families First– Cobble Hill

18 months to 4 years                             

 Drop in class for members!!

 Fridays, 11:15 am 

250 Baltic Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 ~ Map link

Dates: Oct 3/10/17/24/31, Nov 7/14/21 (no class 28), Dec 5/12 (10 weeks)

$10/per class, Please note: requires Families First membership

 Info on Families First membership


Monthly events!

Wise Heart Story yoga class at


Stay Tuned for our next date in November!


Please RSVP at

Event info & Map link



Fall events & classes

Join us at Bookcourt or
at our new location for classes, Kidville- Carroll Gardens/ Cobble Hill!!

Monthly event!

Wise Heart Story yoga class at


Wednesday, October 22,  10:00 am

12 months to 4 years


Please RSVP at

Event info & Map link


Wise Heart Story yoga

Families First– Cobble Hill

18 months to 4 years

                                     Fridays, 11:15 am  Drop in class for members!!

250 Baltic Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 ~ Map link

Dates: Oct 3/10/17/24/31, Nov 7/14/21 (no class 28), Dec 5/12 (10 weeks)

$10/per class, Please note: requires Families First membership

 Info on Families First membership


Little Feet yoga I

 Kidville – Cobble Hill / Carroll Gardens 

12 months to 4 years

New class!!  Tuesdays, 12:30 pm

380 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 ~ Map link

Dates: Oct 21/28, Nov 4/11/18/25, Dec 2/9 (8 weeks)

$20/per class, Full or partial series; $25/ drop in

NO membership in Kidville required!

Email [email protected] to register!


Little Feet Family yoga

 Kidville – Cobble Hill / Carroll Gardens 

Crawling and Up!

New class!!  Saturdays, 9:00 am

380 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 ~ Map link

Dates: Oct 25, Nov 1/8/15/22, Dec 6/13/20 (8 weeks)

$20/per class, Full or partial series– Parent & child;

$25/ drop in, $5/ each add’l child

NO membership in Kidville required!

Email [email protected] to register!